Complaints, petitions and reconciliations

Should any reason of dissatisfaction or potential conflict come to light in the course of the relation with Generalfinance, Clients can apply directly to their commercial representative and detail their reasons for lodging a complaint, in order to determine any possible solution.

If a Client considers our reply is not adequate or satisfying and/or in the event of a dispute requiring a more in depth and complex analysis, they may lodge a written complaint through one of the following modalities:
– writing an email to the address:
– sending a letter by ordinary post or a registered letter with a form for acknowledgment of receipt to the address: Generalfinance s.p.a. Ufficio Reclami, Via Carso n. 36, 13900 Biella (BI)
– delivering a complaint letter by hand at the Registered Seat (Milano, Via G. Stephenson n. 43A) or at the General Management (Biella, Via Carso n. 36) with an acknowledgment of receipt.

In this case, Generalfinance s.p.a. is bound to answer in writing within 30 days.

If the Client does not receive an answer within the above-mentioned deadline or if they are not satisfied with the outcome of their complaint, before applying to the judicial authority, they may:
– apply to the Banking and Financial Ombudsman, if their request involves the payment of a sum of money, as long as it is lower than 100.000 euros. The decisions of the Banking and Financial Ombudsman are not binding for both the parties involved, who have the faculty of applying to the Civil Court.

To discover how to apply to the Banking and Financial Ombudsman, please visit the website, ask for information at one of the branch offices of the Bank of Italy or address directly Generalfinance s.p.a.

– expedite a Mediation/Conciliation procedure at the Banking and Financial Conciliator (Association for the settlement of banking and corporate controversies – ADR). Such a procedure can be expedited also in case a complaint was not lodged. If the dispute is not settled, the Client may submit it to the Civil Court.
Regulations and forms are available on the website under the section “Mediazione e Formazione”. Otherwise, they can be asked to Generalfinance s.p.a.
The Mediation/Conciliation procedure can be expedited also at a different body other than the Banking and Financial Conciliator, as long as it is included in the register of the Ministry of Justice and it is specialised in banking and financial matters.